FAQ Regarding our response to Coronavirus
Below are some frequently asked questions regarding our response to the Coronavirus and the new online Church services
When will be returning to normal services?
As of December 10th 2020, The plan moving forward is that regular services, under ‘covid normal guidelines’ will resume on Sunday February 7th. We will resume with two morning services each week. We will continue to live-stream our service at 9:00am every week via YouTube. Our evening service will resume after Easter.
The decision of when to return to regular services has been a very difficult one. But please understand that it has been made with a lot of thought, discussion and prayer.
Why have we decided to go to online services?
As COVID-19 hit, we were forced to cancel in-person gatherings. Online services became our only option for Sunday services. As restrictions are lifting, we are working on way to return to in person services.
How do I access the live stream?
Simply return to the main page of this website to access the latest link to the live stream. This will be updated weekly. Alternatively you can visit our Church YouTube Channel Here and subscribe and hit the bell icon for notifications. We will also be making the live stream accessible to watch anytime after the service has finished. Please note that there may be a slight delay between the finish of the live stream and the availability of the video to watch later.
I usually give by cash or cheque, how can I still give my offering
As the restrictions are ever changing, the best way to go is to contact the church office to find out when/or if you are able to drop your offering in to the church office staff members. If you are feeling unwell or self isolating, we ask that you consider one of our other methods of giving.
Click here for more information on these options. If you are unsure, please contact the office.
Will small groups and other activities such as adventure club and youth group continue to run?
Again, with the ever changing rules around restrictions Youth Group and Adventure Club may or may not be able to proceed. Both teams will be in touch with you as they prepare to run each group. Please contact Josh Cole if you are unsure. Josh and Andrew are in contact with the various small group leaders to work out which groups will continue to meet. Please contact your small group leader for more information.
How do I keep updated on future changes or new programs?
Please keep checking our website for updates. We will be posting any new releases regarding Coronavirus on our website Here. You can also keep up to date via our Facebook page for overall updates and Facebook group for member specific updates. We will also be starting some video updates through our YouTube channel in the coming weeks along with some new programs to fill the gap of some of our cancelled programs and events.
We are also providing regular updates via email. If you would like to join the mailing list, please contact the church.
We have committed to continue online streaming once we have returned to in-person gatherings. Our team is working hard to install a permanent system suitable for use with a full chapel. We are also in the process of training a team to operate the system, if you would like to get involved, please contact Joshua Cole. Our current plan is to live-stream the 9:00am service every week via YouTube
Still have Questions
If you have a question that is not answered above or would like further clarification, please fill in this form and we will get in touch to help answer it for you. If you would prefer that we call you, please leave your phone number