About the Mildura Church of Christ
Andrew Tonkin
Senior Pastor
It is my pleasure to introduce myself. I have been a minister of the Mildura Church of Christ since 2000. I originally came here as an associate minister and became the ministry team leader in 2005. My wife, Kylie, and I have three children, Joshua, Ethan and Chloe. We love it here in Mildura and are committed to serving the people of our Church with passion and integrity.
The Mildura Church of Christ is a great Church. We certainly aren't perfect, but we try hard to be a friendly and welcoming place where Christ is central and people really matter. We are a family oriented Church catering for all ages. There are a multitude of activities for children right through to seniors, with a balance of spiritual input and friendly fellowship. We are passionate about reaching out with love and the message of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to present the message of the Gospel in a dynamic and relevant way that makes sense to Australians today.

Our Origin
How We Got Here
The Mildura Church of Christ has been functioning since 1890. Early in 1890, Rueben Mansell put an advertisement in the local paper calling together those few people who were to form the Church of Christ in Mildura.
The congregation would continue to grow and a church building was finally built in 1908. Since then, the Church has continued to reach out into the community, with members from Mildura Church planting churches in Merbein, Red Cliffs, Dareton & Robinvale.
Our rich history, and the many key members that contributed so much over the years, have brought us to where we are today and allow us to continue having a profound effect in the Sunraysia area.

What can our church offer you?
Our Church offers weddings, funerals, baby dedications, baptisms, care and Christian counselling, as well as relevant and vibrant worship services. The Mildura Church of Christ aims to conduct these activities in a professional and caring manner that will have a lasting effect on you and your family.
As a Church we respect the fact that everyone is different and has different needs. With this in mind, we aim to be relevant and provide a service which would best suit you and your family, making your time with us a memorable one.
Please take the time to explore our website, to discover the various groups and activities going on in the life of our church.
Our Ministry Team
Get to Know Us
Our team of Minister, Elders and Deacons are committed to the running of Church and continuing to ensure we have an effective ministry in Mildura

Andrew Tonkin
Senior Minister and Ministry Team Leader

Noel Underwood
Seniors Ministry

Kaye Underwood
Seniors Ministry

Brendan Moritz
Chairman of Elders

Bruce Eaton

Ruth Jackson
Elder and
Ministry team leader

Jon Armstrong

Joel Thomas

Auralie Munro

Jeanie Kelly
Ministry Team Leader
Pastoral Care

Sam Armstrong
Ministry Team Leader
Mum's and bubs

Joshua Tonkin
Ministry Team Leader
Primary aged kids

Brendan Moritz
Ministry Team Leader
Image coming soon

Christine Gunaratnum
Ministry Team Leader
Image coming soon

Georgie Tonkin
Ministry Team Leader

Churches of Christ Vic/Tas
Our church is a member of Churches of Christ Vic/Tas (CCVT). Churches of Christ Vic/Tas (CCVT) is a movement of more than 130 Communities of Hope and Compassion (which may look like churches as we have known them) spread across Victoria and Tasmania, embedded in their neighbourhoods as signs, witnesses, and foretastes of the Kingdom of God.
CCVT Inc is the coordinating body that exists to support these diverse Communities of Hope and Compassion in their God-given and God-driven calling to their neighbourhoods. CCVT acts with affiliated communities through three Functional Area teams.