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Womens Ministry

Here is an outline of the various Women's Ministry groups and events that our church run throughout the year.


Regular Groups

Women in God's Service (W.I.G.S)

3rd Monday of each month, 7:30pm at the church

This women's group offers fellowship and an interesting program of activities, including finding out more about the women in our Church family, craft, social nights such as movies and progressive dinners.  We also raise money for different groups and the last couple of years it has been C.H.A.I.L.I.S. (Children Having An Illness Living in Sunraysia).  We would love to welcome more women to our group.

Christian Women's Fellowship (C.W.F)

1st Thursday of each month, 2:00pm at the church

The women's group offers fellowship and an interesting program of activities, including guest speakers, tours to gardens, china doll displays etc.  The group raises money for various church projects and missionary activities. Our current focus on Missions is in support of a young Indian boy with his schooling. C.W.F. also organizes catering for various church functions.

Know Your Bible (K.Y.B)

Every Tuesday at 9.30 am
& Every Wednesday at 7.30 pm

Know your Bible is a Women's Bible Study group.

Craft Group

2nd and 4th Monday each month
at 11.00am at the church. (Bring your Lunch)

This social group of "crafty" ladies makes all sorts of lovely things. This is the group for anyone interested in sewing, knitting, crochet, or any kind of needlecraft, and other crafts.  No experience needed. Many willing teachers available.

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